Toowoomba Bishop Ken Howell ordained three men – Sang Duc Bui, BJ Perrett and Sean Woods – to the transitional diaconate at a Mass at Holy Spirit Chapel, Banyo in Brisbane on Friday. Source: The Catholic Leader.
Deacons Woods, 33, and Bui, 33, were ordained to serve in Brisbane Archdiocese while Deacon Perrett, 24, was ordained for Toowoomba Diocese.
The three men were surrounded by family, friends, parishioners and clergy from across the two dioceses.
Bishop Howell told the three men they would receive the Gospel today and urged them to hold it close throughout their ministry.
He said the diaconal ministry was a harmony and unity of the ministries of the Word, of the altar and of charity.
He said to neglect any of them would be to weaken the call of the ministry.
“My dear ordinands, ordination will not give you all the answers,” he said.
“Nor will you become an authority on all matters of Church life.
“But the more you take the Word of God to heart and make a commitment to listen to that Word, working with God’s people by listening to their hearts, and their true needs, you will be setting your life in the direction of being a true minister of both Word and sacrament.”
He said the “wonder of what is happening to you today” would never be lost on their parents, family, friends and fellows.
Three men ordained deacons for Brisbane and Toowoomba (By Joe Higgins, The Catholic Leader)
Meet the three men to be ordained deacons this Friday (The Catholic Leader)