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Catholic School Parents Australia says the Albanese Government’s re-election pledge to establish a $1 billion “Building Early Education Fund” would help Australian families.

“This financial commitment to deliver more early education centres across Australia and co-locating these facilities at existing schools will provide our families with certainty around access to early education opportunities for their children,” said CSPA’s chair Andrea Obeyesekere says

“Access to early education for families is vital. We are aware of the many benefits relating to early education access, particularly when it comes to transitioning into school.

“At a time when so many of our families are working hard, facing cost-of-living pressures and are time-poor, the additional potential of a one-stop drop-off and one-stop pick-up would be a welcome relief.”

Ms Obeyesekre said Prime Minster Anthony Albanese’s pledge for a “three-day guarantee” for parents to access child care also provides certainty that will assist families, especially those looking to re-enter the workforce. 

“The commitment by the government to boost funding in early education, in high demand areas, across all school sectors with the additional recent pay rise for the early educator workforce will ultimately provide our families with the education options they need to prepare their children for the future,”Ms Obeyesekere said.


Government increase to childcare funding will help Australian families (Catholic School Parents Australia)