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Catholic Schools Broken Bay director Danny Casey signs the new enterprise agreement (CSBB)

Staff at Catholic Schools Broken Bay have overwhelmingly backed a new four-year enterprise agreement, with more than 92.5 per cent confirming their support in a ballot last week. 

CSBB had a participation rate of over 85 per cent of full-time staff. 

The new agreement will take effect from January 1, replacing the existing agreement, EA which expires on December 31. It is the first time CSBB has settled an agreement prior to the expiry of an existing agreement.

At the request of Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo and listening attentively to the signs of the times, CSBB has embraced the practice of synodality, actively listening and engaging with staff to ensure their voice fully informs decision making.

The enterprise agreement was developed following staff engagement over a number of years. This included detailed briefings with staff, led for the first time by CSBB’s principals throughout the process.

CSBB representatives at the bargaining meetings with the Independent Education Union included experienced school principals, who brought clarity to discussions and strengthened the focus to changes that further support classroom teachers and enhance student learning.

CSBB has also introduced a new, simplified approach to decision making through an innovative “Operational Framework” which replaces legacy arrangements.

The Operational Framework outlines how CSBB leaders will act in leading their schools – prioritising clear principles over excessive rules, with fairness being key. By strengthening the ability of principals to lead at each school, CSBB believes the change will deliver better outcomes for staff and students.

Staff at CSBB’s 45 schools will receive pay increases of 13 per cent over four years.

Bishop Randazzo, in welcoming the strong endorsement from staff, thanked all at CSBB for embedding the practice of synodality so clearly in the way the new agreement was developed, refined and endorsed by staff. 

“The discernment through staff engagement has been critical and the strong endorsement of the new EA is a powerful example of how synodality is being lived in our school system,” he said. 

Director of Schools Danny Casey also welcomed the endorsement, thanking staff for their feedback and support.


Synodal process delivers groundbreaking enterprise agreement for CSBB (Catholic Schools Broken Bay)