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The ACSL audit of the Good Samaritan Sisters was conducted from August to October this year (Supplied)

A safeguarding audit of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict has found that safeguarding is developed and embedded across all 10 National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. Source: ACSL.

The audit was conducted by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd from August to October 2024. The audit involved a policy and procedure review, site visits to three administration centres, and an informational interview process involving over 30 Sisters and staff.

Audit procedures found that 100 per cent of NCSS indicators were either fully embedded or substantially implemented at the time of audit.

ACSL chief executive Ursula Stephens said this was a worthy outcome for the Good Samaritan Sisters.

“Our audit processes have shown that the Good Samaritan Sisters and their partners in ministry have taken a diligent and rigorous approach to safeguarding in Australia and also within their ministries in Japan, Kiribati and the Philippines,” Dr Stephens said.

“Ensuring safeguarding principles are being enacted in overseas ministries is a key component of the NCSS, and is now reinforced by the Universal Guidelines Framework, released by the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors earlier this year.

“It is clear that the Good Samaritan sisters have invested substantial resources, both financially and in human resources, to develop safeguarding practices overseas.

“A dedicated safeguarding officer in each country means that safeguarding is front and centre.”

Dr Stephens said the Good Samaritan Sisters “live the strength of their charism, and embrace Catholic Social Teachings in their work with the poor and vulnerable”.

“Our team had made four recommendations to the Congregation which will now be implemented over the next 12–18 months,” she said.

Congregational leader Sr Catherine McCahill SGS said the “audit has given us an opportunity for self-evaluation across our four countries.”

“We are pleased that others affirm our approach and are positive about our policies, procedures and practices. We now commit to strengthening our culture of safeguarding for mission at all levels through further development and to implementing the recommendations,’ Sr Catherine said.

The full audit report of the Good Samaritan Sisters is available on ACSL’s website.


Safeguarding front and centre across Good Samaritan Sisters ministries in Australia and overseas (ACSL)