Pope Francis last night appointed Canberra-Goulburn priest Fr Tony Percy as a new auxiliary bishop for the Sydney Archdiocese. Source: ACBC Media Blog.
Fr Percy, 62, is the parish priest of St Gregory’s, Queanbeyan.
His episcopal consecration is scheduled for May 2 at St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney.
Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB welcomed the appointment.
“Fr Tony will bring to his new role as bishop a wealth of experience from his parish ministry and leadership of the seminary in Sydney,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
“His deep faith, prayerful approach to ministry and commitment to service will make him an invaluable addition to the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.”
Ordained priest in December 1990, Fr Percy has served in the parishes of Young, Queanbeyan, Ariah Park, Ardlethan and Barellan.
Following theological studies in the United States, he served as parish priest in Goulburn before being invited by Cardinal George Pell in 2008 to head the Seminary of the Good Shepherd in Homebush, Sydney.
Fr Percy returned to Canberra in 2015 to be vicar-general of the archdiocese, during which time he served in the parishes of Wanniassa and Queanbeyan.
Pope appoints new Sydney auxiliary bishop (ACBC Media Blog)
Fr Tony Percy named new bishop for Sydney (The Catholic Weekly)