Up to 500 Catholic liturgists, musicians, teachers and parishioners from Australia and New Zealand will gather in Adelaide in October for a national liturgy and music conference. Source: The Southern Cross.
The event is a joint initiative of the Australian Pastoral Musicians Network (APMN) and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference’s National Liturgical Council (NLC). This will be the first time that Adelaide has hosted the biennial gathering.
The conference theme, Pilgrims of Hope: Transformed through Sacrament and Song, embraces the focus of the Jubilee Year as it responds to Pope Francis’ prayer that all are transformed into “tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel”.
“As the liturgy is the transformative ‘source and summit’ of our Christian lives, the conference aims to inspire all who prepare and serve in liturgical ministries,” said NLC chair Clare Schwantes.
“We hope to inspire and equip delegates to prioritise spreading and promoting the word of God and to more effectively serve the mission of Jesus in the world through liturgical celebrations,” Dr Schwantes said.
To be held at the Adelaide Hilton Hotel from October 1-3, the conference will feature keynote addresses by US composer and liturgical theologian Fr Ricky Manalo CSP, New York-based theologian Rita Ferrone and Australia’s Fr Richard Leonard SJ.
The program will offer more than 50 workshop options covering a myriad of liturgy and music topics. Streams and mini-streams include sessions for liturgical art and architecture, sacraments and liturgical ministries, music and liturgy in schools and for young people, as well as cantor, choral, chant, organ, guitar and composition workshops.
APMN national chair Michael Mangan said there would be something for everyone involved in liturgy, music and religious education in parishes, schools and other Church agencies.
Details: pilgrimsofhope.com.au.
Adelaide to host liturgy and music conference (The Southern Cross)