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Sr Nabila Selah (ACN)

A religious sister who is principal of the Rosary Sisters School in Gaza has issued a heartfelt plea for peace and immediate humanitarian aid in the war-torn region. Source: Aid to the Church in Need.

Sr Nabila Selah has sought refuge alongside 700 fellow Christians at the Holy Family Parish in Gaza amidst the ongoing conflict. 

During a recent phone conversation with the international charity ACN, Sr Nabila expressed profound concern for approximately 100 traumatised children sheltered within the parish complex. These children have tragically known nothing but the horrors of war throughout their lives. 

“All we yearn for is peace, peace. Gaza has endured six wars, and these children have only known conflict,” Sr Nabila said.

Despite the dire circumstances, she remains resolute in her belief that “staying active and extending a helping hand to others is the most effective way to cope with the devastation”.

The Holy Family Parish has been offering aid and shelter to wounded and displaced Christians affected by the ongoing violence over the past two weeks, many of whom have lost their homes. Sr Nabila, along with six other religious sisters and a Catholic priest, has been working to support the community during these trying times.

The situation in Gaza remains deeply concerning. The Holy Family parish is without electricity or running water. They are reliant on well water for drinking, although they fear it may run dry at any moment. The price of mineral water, which they purchase, has tripled due to the crisis. 

There are nearly 700 faithful in the parish, including 100 children, 50 individuals with disabilities, and some who were injured in the Greek Orthodox church compound and are receiving medical care.

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Seeking Peace and Aid in War Torn Gaza (Aid to the Church in Need)