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In The Dioceses Leadership

Radio days taught new vicar general to expect the unexpected

What Brisbane Archdiocese’s new vicar general Fr Peter Dillon enjoyed most about his days producing and presenting a talk-back radio segment in the 1990s was the unexpected. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Leadership Pacific

‘Emerging’ Pacific leaders visit Australia for conference

A delegation from the Caritas Oceania Youth Alliance travelled to Sydney and Canberra to participate in the Pacific-Australian Emerging Leaders conference. Source: Caritas Australia.

Education Leadership

Female educators applying for leadership roles face gender bias and discrimination

Female educators applying for leadership roles at Australian schools are more likely to encounter personal, social and systematic obstacles than their male peers, new research by Australian Catholic University has found. Source: Herald Sun.

Leadership Religious Freedom

Study shows people want leaders who will stand up for religious beliefs

People around the globe favour leaders who stand up for their constituents with religious beliefs, even if the beliefs are not their own, a new Pew Research Centre survey shows. Source: NCR Online.

Education Leadership

Educator recognised in book marking Commonwealth’s 75th anniversary

Catholic Education Ballarat executive director Tom Sexton has been recognised as a thought leader in education and invited to participate in the British Parliament Trust’s commemorative book marking the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Commonwealth.

Bishops Leadership

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference elects new vice president

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has a new vice president after elections in Sydney. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Leadership Women

‘Poverty has a female face’: Caritas launches action to empower women

Caritas Internationalis has released a booklet – Equality, Encounter, Renewal – as part of a month of action on empowering women. Source: Caritas Australia.

Leadership Women

Highlighting the dignity of women on International Women’s Day

Highlighting the dignity of women is the focus of two new resources being released to mark International Women’s Day today. Source: ACBC.

Education Leadership

Students learn to be Young Leaders in a Catholic school

Student leaders from across the country gathered at St Patrick’s College Ballarat as part of the Edmund Rice Education Australia’s Young Leaders Conference.