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Charity People

Departing chief ‘personifies what Caritas represents’

After nearly five years in the role, Kirsty Robertson has announced her resignation as Caritas Australia’s chief executive officer, effective from August 9.

Charity Politics

Faith leaders join call to reject Productivity Commission recommendation 

Jewish and Islamic leaders have joined the Catholic Church in urging the Labor Government to reject a Productivity Commission recommendation they say could allow a government agency to appoint and remove religious leaders. Source: The Australian.

Charity Modern Slavery

On the road to ending slavery

Supporters of Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) raised more than $10,000 for the charity at the annual Run Melbourne event on Sunday.

Bishops Charity

Bishops call on Labor to reject Productivity Commission report

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference says the Albanese Government should reject the Productivity Commission’s recommendations to exclude religious organisations from deductible gift recipient status and to abolish Basic Religious Charities.

Charity Middle East

Caritas workers in Gaza forced to evacuate after missile strikes

Safety concerns over nearby missile strikes forced Caritas Jerusalem staff to evacuate two medical points in southern Gaza on the weekend. Source: Caritas Australia.


How every small act of service ‘contributes to creating a more just world’

Caritas Australia chief executive Kirsty Robertson has visited Caritas partner Catholic Relief Services and the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development in Vietnam to see some of their disability projects in action.

Charity Seafarers

Catholics asked to help welfare agency do a Stella job for seafarers

Catholics around Australia are being asked to reflect on and support seafarers over two Sea Sundays this year. Source: Stella Maris Australia.


Vinnies CEO Sleepout raises $7.8m to fight homelessness

Rising rents and mortgage payments combined with a lack of available housing is creating “a perfect storm” for people who are already struggling to keep a roof over their heads, says St Vincent de Paul Society New South Wales chief Yolanda Saiz. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Charity Cost Of Living

More Australians need help, but we’re giving less

The cost-of-living crisis driving Australians to the nation’s charities has also forced up to 80 per cent of people to cut the amount they donate to welfare organisations. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.