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Synod Members at the two-day retreat yesterday (CNS/Vatican Media)

Some Synod members may need to let go of old ways of doing things and others may need to let go of a desire to make everything new; instead, all of them must allow the Holy Spirit to speak, Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP said when opening a retreat for members of the Synod on Synodality at the Vatican yesterday. Source: America Magazine

The British theologian urged honesty, telling members that the “indestructible peace” given by the risen Christ “does not mean that we live in perfect harmony. We are gathered in this assembly because we do not. But no discord can destroy our peace in Christ for we are one in him.”

The 368 Synod members, along with the theologians and experts assisting them, gathered for the a two-day retreat before Pope Francis was scheduled to formally open the monthlong, second session of the Synod on Wednesday.

After a similar gathering at the Vatican a year earlier, members are to focus this session on “How to be a missionary synodal Church.”

Fr Radcliffe told participants that with its focus on mission and on helping the millions of people around the world who are searching for meaning and truth, the Synod “is not a place for negotiations about structural change, but for choosing life, for conversion and forgiveness.”

“The Lord summons us out of the small places in which we have taken refuge and in which we have imprisoned others,” the Dominican said.

Benedictine Mother Maria Ignazia Angelini, a spiritual adviser to the Synod members, urged them to keep their deliberations anchored in prayer and in awe before the Eucharist.

“Let us make room for the amazed listening that repositions us, disposes us for this new beginning of our journey together,” she said.

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference president Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB delivered the homily at the Synod retreat Mass yesterday.

He reminded Members that as they “grapple with the question of how to be a synodal Church in mission, we will need to keep our eyes on Christ”.

“At times, what we see will console us; at times,it will confuse us; and at times, it may even confront or frighten us. But in the end, to paraphrase a famous phrase of Pope Saint John XXIII, the Church is Christ’s, not ours. It is him we follow, no one else,” Archbishop Costelloe said.


Father Radcliffe tells Synod members: Don’t be driven by fear of the church changing—or staying the same (By Cindy Wooden, CNS via America Magazine)

Archbishop Costelloe preaches at Synod retreat (ACBC Media Blog)