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Synod members, along with Pope Francis, attend the morning session in the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican yesterday (CNS/Lola Gomez)

If members of the Synod of Bishops are serious about sharing their experience of “synodality” with all members of the Church, then they must identify concrete ways to do so, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich said yesterday. Source: OSV News.

“If we keep this treasure only for ourselves, we transform it into a privilege” rather than a service to the whole Church, Cardinal Hollerich, the Synod relator general, told members as they began discussing the third and final part of the Synod’s working document.

Titled “Places”, the section focused on promoting synodality – listening to each other more attentively and cooperating more readily – “from the perspective of the places that are the tangible contexts for our embodied relationships, marked by their variety, plurality and interconnection, and rooted in the foundation of the profession of faith, resisting human temptations to abstract universalism.”

Cardinal Hollerich said the challenge was to make sure members of the Church who are not present in the Synod hall can experience synodality “not only through our recounting it, but through the renewal of our churches”.

“The aim of our work in the coming days,” he said, “is to propose instruments that make that easier.”

The 368 synod members will discuss the “Places” section of the working document until Friday morning. 

The final week of the Synod is devoted to discussing, amending and approving a final document from the gathering. Voting on the final document is scheduled for the evening of October 26, with the closing Synod Mass on October 27.


Synod begins looking at institutional changes to promote synodality (By Cindy Wooden, CNS via Catholic Review