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Euthanasia Queensland

Bishop Harris calls out VAD fear campaign ahead of Qld election 

Townsville Bishop Tim Harris says a fear campaign was being spread over the fate of voluntary assisted dying legislation ahead of Queensland’s state election. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Euthanasia United Kingdom

Cardinal issues warning as British MPs prepare to debate euthanasia bill

The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, has warned people to “be careful what you wish for” as British MPs prepare to debate a new bill to allow assisted suicide. Source: The Tablet.


Bishop Harris says euthanasia numbers in Queensland ‘heartbreaking’

Newly-released data from the second annual report of the state’s independent Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board shows hundreds of Queenslanders have chosen to end their lives with lethal substances. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Euthanasia ‘not a priority’ for new Northern Territory government

The Northern Territory’s new Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro says restoring the right to euthanasia in the NT is “not a priority” for her new Country Liberal Party government. Source: NT News.

Euthanasia Queensland

Coroner criticises QLD’s euthanasia laws after man takes his life with wife’s medication

A coroner has found Queensland’s euthanasia laws are not “well-considered” after an elderly man took his own life using drugs prescribed for his wife. Source: ABC News.


Bishop warns against assisted suicide as House of Lords prepares for debate

A Catholic bishop in England is warning that the legalisation of assisted suicide “undermines the sanctity and dignity of human life”. Source: Crux.

Europe Euthanasia

Scottish Parliament to debate third assisted dying bill

The Scottish Parliament is consulting on a new bill to legalise euthanasia in the country for terminally ill and mentally competent adults. Source: Vatican News.


Darwin bishop raises concerns about euthanasia in the Northern Territory

Darwin Bishop Charles Gauci has raised his concerns that doctors and nurses in the Northern Territory will be coerced into referring their terminal patients to euthanasia providers, following the release of a major report. Source: NT News.

Chaplaincy Euthanasia

Help for those accompanying Catholics facing end-of-life decisions

Australia’s Catholic bishops have released a new document to guide priests, chaplains and pastoral workers who are asked to provide pastoral support to Catholics who are considering accessing voluntary assisted dying schemes. Source: ACBC and CHA.