The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council has congratulated the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference on its new publication, Walking Together: Catholics with Jews in the Australian Context.
“Walking Together puts a mirror in front of contemporary Catholic-Jewish relations in Australia and reflects true friendship and a mutual thirst for greater understanding of the other,” Jeremy Jones, AIJAC’s director of community and of international affairs, said.
Mr Jones participated in the formal launch last week, offering a vote of thanks from the Jewish community in his capacity as co-chair of the annual conversations between the Bishops Conference and the Executive Council of Australian Jewry. He was thanked for his role in building this positive relationship by the event MC, Sr Giovanni Farquer RSJ.
Describing the document as “a cry from the heart and a call for action”, Mr Jones said it was evidence that “it is no exaggeration to describe the present era of Catholic-Jewish realties as a golden age,” where “meaningful contact and mutual respect” is at “unprecedented” levels.
At the launch, the President of the ECAJ, Jillian Segal, delivered an analysis and critique of the document, noting that it “affirms the essential Jewishness of Jesus”.
Mr Jones said, “We must not underestimate the importance of this document, which articulates the current theological and practical state of our relationship.”
“As important as it is to disseminate this excellent work, in multiple languages, throughout Australia, it is also very necessary to translate it into the languages most widely spoken in Asia and the Pacific, so not only Catholic communities that live alongside Jewish communities are guided by its messages and insights, but also those Catholic societies where a living encounter with contemporary Judaism is not feasible.”
AIJAC congratulates Australian Catholics on “Powerful affirmation of friendship” (AIJAC)