Ministers of the Word are commonly referred to as readers in Australian parishes, but liturgical educator Cathy Murrowood says that when this ministry is performed, something more profound than reading words from a page is taking place. Source: ACU.
Ms Murrowood, who will lead Australian Catholic University’s new training program for Ministers of the Word next month, says being a reader is not about reading, but proclaiming Sacred Scripture in a way that penetrates hearts.
“It’s not like reading a shopping list, which anybody can do,” Ms Murrowood said.
“Proclaiming the Word is much more sophisticated because the Minister of the Word is a vessel of the Holy Spirit. Proclaiming Scripture and the Prayer of the Faithful well increases people’s capacity to respond to what they hear, which can transform and change their lives.”
The ACU Centre for Liturgy’s online training program will teach new and experienced Ministers of the Word practical skills, such as timing, enunciation, the use of emphasis and silence, and the appropriate pronunciation of Biblical words, names, and places.
“These are techniques for more effective proclamation so that when people hear the Word of God they can respond in their hearts,” Ms Murrowood said.
Completed over four weekly online modules with live classroom sessions, the training program also offers a step-by-step guide on how to write the Prayer of the Faithful, and how to proclaim the Word at key celebrations such as the Easter and Pentecost Vigils.
Supported by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, the ACU Centre for Liturgy’s online pastoral training programs are offered in collaboration with local Catholic worshipping communities and include a practical training session with the local pastor or delegate. The program is open to all Australian parishes but can be accommodated for communities outside Australia.
Registrations are now open. Visit the ACU Centre for Liturgy website for details on how to register.
The ACU Centre for Liturgy has a new online training program for Ministers of the Word (ACU/Giovanni Portelli)
Online training to turn Ministers of the Word from readers to proclaimers (ACU)