Pope Francis urged Catholics not to resign themselves to “the decline of the family” in a letter released for the launch of a Vatican compact for families. Source: CNS.
Asserting that “it is in the family that many of God’s dreams for the human community are realised,” Pope Francis asked Catholic universities and Catholic couples around the world to support the “Family Global Compact.”
“We cannot resign ourselves to the decline of the family in the name of uncertainty, individualism and consumerism, which envision a future of individuals who think only of themselves,” the Pope wrote in a letter released yesterday with the launch of the compact by the Dicastery for Laity, the Family and Life and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.
“We cannot be indifferent to the future of the family as a community of life and love, a unique and indissoluble covenant between a man and a woman, a place where generations meet, a source of hope for society,” the Pope continued.
Pastoral, social and financial support for families is not a concern only for the Church, he said, because strong families have “a positive effect on everyone” and are a key factor in promoting the common good.
“Healthy family relationships represent a unique source of enrichment, not only for spouses and children but for the entire ecclesial and civil community,” the Pope wrote.
The dicastery and the academy of social sciences began working on the global compact in 2021, seeking ways to promote cooperation between those engaged in the pastoral care of families and Catholic university programs and centres specialised in research about family life, as well as to form a network among the universities.
Vatican launches compact for families with Pope’s support (By Cindy Wooden, CNS)
Pope Francis gives support to launch of Family Global Compact (Vatican News)