Staff and supporters of Cabrini Outreach, a service of Cabrini Health, gathered for the official blessing of the Cabrini Asylum Seeker and Refugee Health Hub’s new premises in the Melbourne suburb of Northcote. Source: Melbourne Catholic.
The hub provides access to a range of primary healthcare and mental health services for people seeking asylum and for newly arrived refugees.
Now in its seventh year, the hub services as many as 400 clients at a time and had outgrown its former Brunswick location.
In blessing the new premises, Melbourne Auxiliary Bishop Anthony Ireland said it was generosity of spirit and Christ-like compassion that lies at the heart of Cabrini’s work.
“Cabrini Outreach strives to make a difference in the lives of individuals and families, and in the wider community by inviting believer and non-believer alike to find meaning and value in their lives and reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society who are highly skilled, informed, tolerant, open, and just,” Bishop Ireland said.
Cabrini Outreach’s Sharon Sherwood said the move to Northcote would open the way to expand the service to even more of those in need.
“Having a facility that’s big enough for our clients and staff has been transformational,” Ms Sherwood said. “This gives our clients more privacy, in a beautiful building that provides a safe, relaxing environment.”
In addition to healthcare and specialist mental health services, the hub also offers a healthcare waiver program, which waives the cost of essential prescription medicine, optical, hearing and medical aids for eligible clients. Last year the program covered the cost of over $100,000 for those in need.
Cabrini Asylum Seeker and Refugee Health Hub opens in Northcote (Melbourne Catholic)