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St Joseph’s Cathedral in Rockhampton will host a spectacular light show this Christmas (Supplied)

It may only be September but Rockhampton Diocese is already looking forward to the return of the “Lights of Christmas”, which will be cast in vibrant colours onto the facade of St Joseph’s Cathedral for the first time since before the pandemic. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Rockhampton Bishop Michael McCarthy said it was a “great joy” to offer the Lights of Christmas again after the pause during COVID.

“It is a great joy because it is for the people of Rockhampton and beyond, and it’s amazing the number of people who come along,” he said.

It is estimated more than 25,000 people will view the show in 2023. The light show will run for about 20 minutes.

The previous shows (The Nutcracker, A Christmas Carol and The Night Before Christmas) have been revitalised to form a rotating 25-minute show including several Christmas-themed slides.

The light show will play approximately six times per night from Sunday, December 17, until Saturday, December 23. It is a free event and open to all.

“We welcome everyone to come, be present and be a part of the Lights of Christmas,” Bishop McCarthy said.

We often have people singing along with the Christmas carols, enjoying the night because it really is about Christmas, and the essential message of Christmas, that Jesus Christ was born.”

The company engaged to produce the show has been in involved in similar shows in Sydney such as the Vivid Festival and St Mary’s Cathedral as well as Brisbane City Hall.


Rockhampton Cathedral will shine with Lights of Christmas again this year (By Joe Higgins, The Catholic Leader)