Three men were ordained to the priesthood for the Melbourne Archdiocese at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday. Source: Melbourne Catholic.
The new priests are Fr Thomas Christie, Fr Peter Nguyen and Fr Tien Tran. Jean-Sébastien Géry was also ordained to the transitional diaconate, the penultimate step in the journey to becoming a priest.
During his homily, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli reminded the ordinands of what constitutes a vocation in Christ: “[St] Paul talks of charity, selflessness, gentleness, patience, unity and peace. We might firstly note just how closely these vocational elements harmonise with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
“They do not name tasks to be done, nor roles to be lived. Neither do they speak of a place or status within the Church. They are, instead, ways of living a life in Christ.
“For the four of you to be ordained today, either into the priesthood or diaconal life, [these] elements are the measure to which we are called.
“They are what will form us into membership of the one Body of Christ.”
The ordinands had earlier shared their excitement in the lead-up to Saturday’s celebration, with Fr Thomas Christie reflecting on the “far-reaching impact” of his chosen vocation.
“The sacrament of Holy Orders is much bigger than just myself. The priesthood can be an instrument of grace that provides consolation, healing and hope for many people,” Fr Christie said.
“It will be a real privilege and responsibility to help individuals in this way. It will also keep me humble at the same time.”
‘An instrument of grace’: Three new priests and a deacon ordained in Melbourne (Melbourne Catholic)