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Abortion became easier to access in New Zealand in 2020 (Bigstock)

New Zealand’s bishops say the rise in abortion numbers since a 2020 law change is a tragedy and they want the new coalition Government to promote policies that reduce stresses that can lead to mothers opting for abortion. Source: NZ Catholic.

The number of abortions peaked at 18,511 in 2003 before falling steadily to 12,823 in 2016, when an initially slow rise began, up 434 over five years to 13,257 in 2021.

Then followed a big one-year jump of 907, or 7 per cent, to 14,164 in 2022. Additionally, the number of abortions for each 1000 known pregnancies has risen to 193 from a low of 177 in 2016.

New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference president and Auckland Bishop Stephen Lowe said the bishops will continue to advocate for the legal right to life of all unborn children who have no voice themselves.

“We know that we are living in a time of increased financial constraints and that this only adds to the stress on families,” Bishop Lowe said.

“We urge the new Government to keep the wellbeing of young parents and families to the fore in their policies, and we urge all Catholics to ensure that our faith communities are places of non-judgemental, welcoming and generous love, compassion and care.”

Abortion became simpler to get after members of Parliament passed the Abortion Legislation Act in 2020.


NZ Catholic bishops urge Government to reduce stress on young families to counter rising abortion numbers (NZ Catholic)