Caritas Internationalis has released a booklet – Equality, Encounter, Renewal – as part of a month of action on empowering women. Source: Caritas Australia.
Alongside scripture and Catholic Social Teaching values, the booklet features testimonies from around the world and examples of good practice from across the Caritas Confederation.
The aim is to increase understanding of Church teaching in relation to women’s leadership among Caritas staff and volunteers, the local Church and communities, and other stakeholders in the fields of advocacy, humanitarian response, and integral human development.
Kirsty Robertson, CEO of Caritas Australia said, “These new resources harness Church teachings to strengthen our understanding of how we – as individuals, communities, and organisations – can support women’s leadership and participation.
“Launched in time for International Women’s Day [March 8], it provides a great opportunity for faith-based organisations to reflect on their role in the empowerment of women.”
The booklet can be downloaded from an online hub, which includes other stories and webinars, including a talk Ms Robertson gave at the Caritas Internationalis International Women’s Day conference, “Women Leaders, Towards a Brighter Future,” held in Rome on March 6.
On March 19, Caritas Internationalis will co-host an event at the United Nations’ 68th Commission on the Status of Women.
The “Fragile Contexts Strong Women” event is set to demonstrate the commitment of the Catholic Church and the Caritas Confederation to the empowerment of women through addressing poverty and strengthening institutions.
“Poverty has a female face, but the face of hope and change is also that of a woman. I am proud to be part of the Caritas Confederation which values the voice, agency and presence of women at all levels” Ms Robertson said.
All resources can be accessed online at: https://www.caritas.org/equality-encounter-renewal-2024/
Caritas resource applies Church teachings to furthering women’s participation and leadership (Caritas Australia)