Catholic Health Australia has urged the Albanese Government to swiftly implement the recommendations of the Aged Care Taskforce to create a more sustainable and better quality aged care sector for older Australians.
The taskforce has recommended greater personal contributions to the cost of accommodation and daily living expenses for those who can afford it, while retaining a safety net for others.
“With most aged care providers running at a loss, these sensible and responsible reforms are urgently needed so they can continue to invest and provide quality care for all Australians – whether they be in a city, regional town or remote community,” Catholic Health Australia chief executive Jason Kara said.
“As our population ages and more people seek aged care, services will need additional funding to upgrade existing facilities and invest in new places to meet Australia’s growing ageing population.
“The fairest way to deliver extra funding is to ask people who can afford it to contribute more for their accommodation and living expenses, costs they have covered over their adult lives.
“Right now, user contributions do not meet the cost of provision and research has shown people are willing to pay more for their aged care services.
“We commend the Government for having the courage to tackle this important issue head on. We urge the government to swiftly adopt these recommendations and stand ready to assist their implementation in any way we can.”
CHA urges swift implementation of Aged Care Taskforce recommendations (Catholic Health Australia)
Wealthy would pay at least $20 a day more in aged care overhaul (The Age)