St Vincent’s, Australia’s largest not-for-profit health and aged care services provider, has launched a new video to announce its refreshed strategic vision and direction.
The three-minute “Always” video connects the heritage of the organisation – founded by the Sisters of Charity who opened the first St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney in 1857 – with its modern-day reputation for clinical excellence, cutting-edge research, and providing compassionate care to the most disadvantaged and marginalised.
“What started with five Sisters of Charity, who opened our first hospital more than 167 years ago, is now a microcosm of Australia’s health and aged care system, with 30,000 clinicians, care providers, researchers, support workers, and administrators working from Townsville in northern Queensland to Melbourne’s western suburbs,” said St Vincent’s chief executive, Chris Blake.
“St Vincent’s is a unique not-for-profit social enterprise that operates two major inner-city health networks in Melbourne and Sydney, 10 private hospitals, 26 aged care facilities, community health programs for people living on the margins, and a range of virtual and home care initiatives across NSW, Victoria, and Queensland.
“Medical science and technology are moving at such a rapid pace that health and aged care will soon begin to look very different. There are a range of other powerful influences shaping our work: our ageing population, increasing rates of chronic illness, burgeoning health and aged care costs, and peoples’ changing preferences for how they receive their care.
“Given our rapidly transforming world, St Vincent’s has a new vision – and a refreshed strategy for getting there – to help shape, Australia’s health and aged care future.”
To view the video and find out more about the St Vincent’s strategy visit: https://www.svha.org.au/about/our-strategy.
St Vincent’s launches new Always video (St Vincent’s)