The University of Tasmania (UTAS) Catholic Chaplaincy has seen a recent surge back to life, with four additions to the expanded team spread across Hobart and Launceston. Source: Archdiocese of Hobart.
Based in Hobart, Campus Ministry Coordinator Daniel de la Motte will work to support both Fr John Joseph Martin LEB, who will serve as Chaplain of the UTAS Hobart Campus, and Fr Chathura Silva, who has been ministering to students as Chaplain at the Launceston Campus.
Two new arrivals from Anointing Fire Catholic Ministries in Victoria, Merin Abraham and Aleena Nelson, will also assist Fr Chathura with ministry on the ground in Launceston.
Office of Youth Evangelisation Director Sam Clear is pleased the university chaplaincy will be better equipped to minister to university students.
“Over the years many people have dedicated themselves to the welfare of university students, such as Fr Shammi Perera, Fr Michael Tate, Sr Elizabeth Vagg, the Palavra Viva community and the Sisters of the Immaculata.
“They have done so to marvellous affect, but in the last few years it has fallen to just a couple of people, resulting in them being stretched.
“So it is a relief to now have Fr John Joseph, Daniel, Merin and Aleena assisting in that ministry alongside Fr Chathura,” he said.
Mr Clear said the group will be walking with university students daily, helping to build community through shared meals and excursions, while always having a focal point of prayer and the sacraments.
“The chaplaincy has in the past, offered a helping hand to young adults dealing with a myriad of life-decisions, and hopefully that will continue,” he said.
UTAS Chaplaincy takes off in 2024 (By Josh Low, Archdiocese of Hobart)