Sisters of Saint Joseph from across Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand recently achieved major milestones, celebrating 80, 75, and 70 years of religious profession. Source: Sisters of Saint Joseph.
Seven jubilarians from this group of 21 Sisters gathered at Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney where they were welcomed by Sisters of Saint Joseph congregational leader Sr Monica Cavanagh, fellow Sisters, family and friends.
Sydney Auxiliary Bishop Terry Brady presided at the Mass and congratulated the jubilarians on their vowed commitment.
This amazing group of Sisters shared and reflected on their significant years of service in so many ministries – education, social justice, parish pastoral care, religious leadership, health care, chaplaincy, working with rural and regional communities across Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, Ireland, Peru and Timor-Leste.
Those Sisters who were not able to attend, and the Sisters from the profession groups now resting with God, were remembered in prayer and story.
“These Sisters have lived the spirit and charism entrusted to the congregation by Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods. They have done it with commitment, generosity and faithfulness. We honour them for indeed God has done great things in them and it fills us with joy,” Sr Monica said.
She invited the jubilarians to renew their vows, and their renewed commitment was met with applause from the congregation.
Celebrating 70, 75 and 80 Years of Religious Life (Sisters of Saint Joseph)