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Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP holds up a monstrance to the congregation taking part in the Corpus Christi procession yesterday (The Catholic Weekly/Giovanni Portelli)

Record crowds have celebrated the largest Walk With Christ since the COVID pandemic, with more than 15,000 Catholics joining the procession through the streets of Sydney for the Feast of Corpus Christi. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Speaking with joy at the public witness, Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP said the solemn event was an encouraging display of devotion as Australia aspires to host the 2028 International Eucharistic Congress.

“Today, my dear friends, you have done as the Council asked and helped prepare this city and country for that event we devoutly hope Pope Francis will grant us in 2028,” Archbishop Fisher said.

Sydney Auxiliary Bishop Richard Umbers said he was proud the Sydney faithful showed the world why the Australian Plenary Council has asked for the opportunity to host an International Eucharistic Congress.

“It’s no secret that Australia aspires to host an International Eucharistic Congress, and such a public display of faith certainly adds credibility to our bid,” Bishop Umbers said.

As Sydney Vicar for Evangelisation, Bishop Umbers said he was emboldened by the record crowds to host even more processions in the future.

“Momentum is building for an enlivened Eucharistic culture in Sydney. The faithful have always been present, they have just been longing for an outlet to proudly declare their love of Christ,” Bishop Umbers said.

Director of the Sydney Centre for Evangelisation Daniel Ang said the public witness was not just for the faithful, but it is an opportunity to bring the joy of Christ to the people of Sydney.

“Such processions are a leaven in our largely disenchanted world. It reminds us that people come to and deepen in faith through multiple, overlapping experiences and influences, including the festive and by really ‘treading the ground’ in faith with others rather than speculating or observing from a distance,” Mr Ang said.


Record crowds return to Walk With Christ (By George Al-Akiki, The Catholic Weekly)