Broken Bay Diocese is celebrating after Fr Hien Vu was ordained a priest by Bishop Anthony Randazzo on Saturday at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara.
Born in Vietnam, Fr Vu has become an adopted son of the diocese and his ordination drew around 500 people from across the state and beyond, including his grandmother, while the rest of his family in Vietnam watched via livestream.
Bishop Randazzo was accompanied by Sydney Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Meagher, and Toowoomba Bishop Emeritus Robert McGuckin, who now resides within the Broken Bay Diocese.
In his homily, Bishop Randazzo said Fr Vu’s ordination was a joyful moment for the diocese.
“This is a moment of profound grace, not only for Hien and his family but for our entire community of the Church,” Bishop Randazzo said.
“My dear son, your ordination today is a profound reminder that the grace of the Holy Spirit’s anointing is not merely placed upon you, but rather it dwells within you.
“This grace will embolden you to proclaim God’s truth; to herald the anointed shepherd-king, Jesus Christ, the eternal High Priest, crucified and risen, to the Church and to the nations.”
The ordination occurred on the Feast of St Bartholomew and the eighth anniversary of Bishop Randazzo’s episcopal ordination.
Fr Vu began his thanksgiving speech with a prayer, thanking God for his calling to the priesthood, Bishop Randazzo for ordaining him, and all who had contributed to his formation.
“Today marks a new beginning, not the end or destination, for me,” said Fr Hien.
“May I ask you for your continual support and prayers as I embark on this journey, that I might become a good, holy and faithful priest, after Christ the High Priest, to whom all glory and honour will belong for ever and ever.”
Broken Bay rejoices at ordination of new priest, Fr Hien Vu (Broken Bay Diocese)