Wollongong Bishop Brian Mascord is urging parishioners within his diocese to consider becoming foster carers amid a critical shortage of foster carers within the local community. Source: CatholicCare Wollongong.
Bishop Mascord has released a “Bishop’s Call” video this Foster Care and Kinship Week (September 8-15) to encourage people to consider becoming foster carers.
In NSW, there are more than 350 children who are in desperate need of a foster placement. These children and young people are missing out on enjoying a happy, stable childhood.
In the video, Bishop Mascord shares the story of a young boy named Ollie*.
Ollie is an 11-year-old boy who first entered the foster care system in 2012. Since his long-term placement with carers broke down in January 2022, he has lived in temporary, high-cost emergency placements, primarily within an Airbnb hotel-type accommodation, and is being cared for by a rotating roster of youth workers.
“Think about what your greatest concern was at 11 years old – perhaps it was your schooling? Or who your best friend was? Or how you might spend the holidays?,” Bishop Mascord asks in the video.
“For Ollie, his days are filled with other questions: where will I be sleeping tonight? And who will be there to care for me?
“Ollie, and many children like him, deserve better. They are not a problem to be solved, but, rather, a person to be loved.”
Michelle Ferrara, CatholicCare Wollongong’s executive manager of children and youth services, said the organisation was grateful to the bishop for highlighting the critical need for foster carers across the diocese.
“Seeking carers for the children and young people in our community is the top priority for CatholicCare,” Ms Ferrara said.
“Since Bishop Brian first raised this issue three months ago in the diocese, CatholicCare received 15 inquiries from parishioners.”
Details: CatholicCare Wollongong’s Foster Care program
*Name changed for privacy.
Wollongong Bishop Brian Mascord renews call for foster carers (CatholicCare Wollongong)