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Catholic Health Australia has welcomed the agreement yesterday between Labor and the Coalition on a new approach to aged care and the introduction of the Aged Care Act into Parliament.

“This agreement finally paves the way for crucial reforms to the aged care system,” said Laura Haylen, Director of Aged Care Policy at Catholic Health Australia.

Older Australians will be given more support to live at home for longer under the policy, which offers $4.3 billion to expand in-home services but expects those with greater assets to pay more when they move into residential aged care, The Age reports.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese outlined the changes with Aged Care Minister Anika Wells and Treasurer Jim Chalmers yesterday after sealing an agreement with Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to ensure the new approach to aged care had bipartisan support.

Ms Haylen said the Aged Care Act was needed to address the recommendations of the aged care royal commission and to “lay the foundation for a better quality and more sustainable aged care system that older Australians deserve”.

“We are particularly pleased to see the Government tackle the funding reform we urgently need, acting on key recommendations of the royal commission and delivering much needed support for older people now and into the future,” she said.

“CHA also thanks the Opposition for putting the national interest first and offering bipartisanship.

“With three in four facilities struggling to remain viable, funding reform is needed for providers to meet costs as well as upgrade facilities, innovate and invest in new models of person-centred care as our population ages,” Ms Haylen said.

“This will ensure all older Australians can access quality care, whether they live in major cities, regional towns or rural areas.”

Catholic Health Australia looks forward to being involved in consultation on any amendments to improve the Act during the parliamentary process.


Catholic Health Australia welcomes breakthrough agreement on Aged Care Act (Catholic Health Australia) 

Billions to keep Boomers at home, but half will pay more for aged care (By David Crowe, The Age)