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Msgr Fernando Ocáriz (CNS/Paul Haring)

Opus Dei prelate Msgr Fernando Ocáriz has renewed his request for prayer for the new statutes of “the Work”, as its members call this institution of the Church, and encouraged them to share “the fire of the Lord” with others. Source: CNA.

“As I have already told you, in the upcoming days there will be a new meeting of the experts who are studying the possible changes to the statutes of the Work. Let us continue to accompany this work with our prayer,” Msgr Ocáriz said in a message shared on Wednesday on the organisation’s website.

In July 2022, Pope Francis ordered a reform of Opus Dei, which has as its centre the drafting of new statutes, a work the prelature is carrying out in coordination with the Vatican in a climate of dialogue and trust, as previously noted by Msgr Ocáriz.

In today’s text, Opus Dei’s leader offers a reflection on one of the seven words that Jesus spoke when he was on the cross – “I thirst” (Jn 19:28) – in anticipation of the September 14 feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Msgr Ocáriz posed some questions: “Do I have that same thirst? Do I share in the fire that burns in his heart? Am I consumed by zeal for souls wherever I am? Do I fearlessly strive to enkindle the people I meet, through my prayer and atonement, through my sincere friendship?”

“We can remember, with St Josemaría [Escrivá], that our mission is to bring to all souls – in the midst of the world – the fire of the Lord that we harbor in our hearts,” the text continued, recalling what the founder of Opus Dei said at the beginning of his book, The Way

After encouraging Opus Dei members to walk alongside the Virgin Mary, Msgr Ocáriz encouraged his readers that the experience of suffering “may enkindle in us ever more strongly the light of faith, the assurance of hope, and the fire of charity, and along with them, joy. Yes, also joy in the cross.”


Opus Dei prelate asks prayers for new statutes and to share ‘the fire of the Lord’ (By Walter Sánchez Silva, CNA)