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Steve Lemos (LinkedIn)

Catholic Schools Maitland-Newcastle chief Steve Lemos has announced his resignation and his intention to finish up in the role at the end of the school year. Source: MNnews.Today.

After four years at the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese and two years in his current role, Mr Lemos cited travel and being away from his family as his reasons for leaving.

Over the past four years, Mr Lemos has regularly travelled back and forth from Sydney where his family is based, to schools across the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese. 

 “It has been a privilege to have served the diocese as its head of schools. I have loved my time at the Diocese and especially the last two years in this role,” Mr Lemos said.

“It has been a great pleasure to work with our talented and dedicated people. I have loved being able to engage directly with our staff and our students and to see first-hand the impact of their commitment and work every day.   

“This decision has not been an easy choice but I am confident it is the right time for me to spend more time in Sydney with my family.” 

Maitland-Newcastle Bishop Michael Kennedy thanked Mr Lemos for his leadership, contribution and commitment to Catholic schools in the diocese, in particular his “steadfast focus on ensuring any change has been for the continual improvement of the educational and spiritual outcomes for students”.

Mr Lemos will remain in the role until the end of the school year. 


Resignation of Steven Lemos, Head of Catholic Schools (MNNews.Today)


‘Not an easy choice’: Head of Catholic Schools hands in resignation (Newcastle Herald)