The Northern Territory’s new Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro says restoring the right to euthanasia in the NT is “not a priority” for her new Country Liberal Party government. Source: NT News.
Over the first two weeks of the new government, Mrs Finocchiaro has emphasised her focus on tackling crime and reducing wasteful spending on “Labor’s pet projects” – raising questions about what could soon hit the chopping block.
Among the projects seemingly put on the backburner is voluntary assisted dying, which Mrs Finocchiaro said had to be managed “in a really respectful way”.
An independent report on VAD in the Territory was handed to the previous Labor government in July, finding “overwhelming” community support for the return of assisted dying laws in the NT.
“(VAD is) something a portion of our community are looking towards, and an enormous group of Territorians who don’t want to see it as well,” Ms Finocchiaro told ABC Darwin earlier this month.
“We need to look at that report that was prepared for the Labor government, and then work through those steps with the community of what the next step might look like.
“It’s certainly not an immediate priority of our government, and we’ve been very, very clear about that. Our focus is very much around reducing crime and rebuilding our economy.”
NT footy team, road rules and VAD: The issues Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro ‘won’t prioritise’ (NT News)