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Bishop Shane Mackinlay (ACBC)

Sandhurst Bishop Shane Mackinlay has been elected to a commission charged with overseeing the drafting of the final document of the Synod on Synodality. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Speaking before the vote of 350 people in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, commission secretary Msgr Riccardo Battocchio reminded Synod participants the commission did not physically draft the final document but would oversee the work project.

Bishop Mackinlay is one of 14 Australians taking part in the Second Assembly of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

The theme of the event is “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission”.

The work of the synodal assembly – through plenary sessions known as “general congregations” and working groups – is being divided into five “modules” which mirror the sections of the Instrumentum laboris: Foundations, Relations, Pathways, Places and Conclusion.

The concluding module will be devoted to the discussion and approval of the final document which will go to Pope Francis, who is responsible under the Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis communio for its implementation.

Meanwhile, at a press briefing on the Synod yesterday, the president of the Synod’s Information Commission announced a total of 62,000 euros ($101,000) was collected at the Synod on Monday for the victims of the war in Gaza.

Paolo Ruffini, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Communication and President of the Synod’s Information Commission, said half of the sum was donated by the participants in the Synod, and another 30,000 euros were offered by the Apostolic Almoner.

The funds has been delivered through the Apostolic Nunciature in Jerusalem and is already at the disposal of the parish priest of the Holy Family Church in Gaza, Fr Gabriel Romanelli. 


Bishop elected to Synod final document commission (ACBC Media Blog)

Synod Briefing – Day 6: 62,000 euros collected for Gaza Parish (By Roberto Paglialonga and Edoardo Giribaldi, Vatican News)