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Priests of the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese applaud the newly ordained Fr Mark Ha (Catholic Voice)

St Christopher’s Cathedral in Canberra was packed to overflowing on Thursday for the ordination of the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese’s newest priest, Fr Mark Ha. Source: Catholic Voice.

It was the culmination of eight years of seminary study for the Vietnamese-born seminarian, who had first come to Canberra over a decade ago to learn accounting but discerned a vocation to the priesthood instead.

The night was doubly significant, coming on the eve of this weekend’s landmark Archdiocesan Assembly and reflecting the strength of the local church’s multicultural Catholic identity. 

The Vietnamese community played a prominent role in the ordination, with parts of the liturgy and hymns conducted in Vietnamese.

Archbishop Christopher Prowse was the principal celebrant for the ordination, concelebrated by the Papal Nuncio Archbishop Charles Balvo and more than 60 clergy from the archdiocese and beyond. 

Classmates from Fr Ha’s Seminary of the Good Shepherd in Sydney also participated in the celebration.

During his homily, Archbishop Prowse welcomed Fr Ha’s parents, Maria and Peter, who had travelled from Vietnam for the ordination, and his grandmother, who participated via live stream broadcast.

The Archbishop outlined the qualities expected of priestly ministry, underlining the importance of humility, “living the Christian life in obedience to the Gospel,” and being “present” and ready to serve. 

“You are baptised and made a priest to serve the entire baptised. Don’t get that around the other way; otherwise, we’re in big trouble,” he said.

On evangelisation and spreading the word of the Gospel, the Archbishop highlighted the importance of being a good shepherd and, as Jesus said, “a good fisher of people.” 

“So dear Mark, let’s go fishing together,” he said.

In his words of thanks to conclude the ordination, Fr Ha said he was deeply humbled by the responsibility that came with this “sacred calling” to the priesthood. 

As he began his ministry, he admitted mistakes might be made, “but please be patient with me and please help me become a good priest.”


Rev Mark Ha ordained as new priest at St Christopher’s Cathedral in Canberra (By Don Smith, Catholic Voice)