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Archbishop Peter Comensoli (fourth from left), Sr Stancea Vichie MSS (fifth from left) and Sr Veronica Hoey SGS (fourth from right) with members of the MSS Stewardship Council (Melbourne Catholic)

In a historic moment for the Missionary Sisters of Service, Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has issued a decree appointing Good Samaritan Sister Veronica Hoey as the canonical delegate for the MSS for the next three years. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

This marks a new model of leadership and governance for the MSS as the community continues its journey towards completion and fulfilment as a congregation.

Archbishop Comensoli issued the decree on October 10 with the appointment of Sr Veronica as canonical delegate commencing from October 11. This is a significant date for the MSS community, marking the 62nd anniversary of the commencement of the Second Vatican Council and the feast day of St John XXIII, both sources of great inspiration for the MSS community and its founder, Fr John Wallis.

Sr Veronica’s appointment marks the completion of a 12-year period of discernment for the MSS, along with extensive community consultation, which saw the community preparing for the time when the congregation would no longer be able to elect a “full general government” or leadership team from within its own members.

“We are thrilled that Sr Veronica accepted our invitation to be Canonical Delegate for our community of women for the next three years, and perhaps beyond that,” said Sr Stancea Vichie, who led the congregation for 12 years. 

“It simply means that she will have oversight of our congregation, to ensure that the life and mission of the congregation is moving forward in a good way.”

In the decree, Archbishop Comensoli wrote: “I pray that these arrangements that I have decreed will draw deeply from the inspiration of the foundation’s vision – ensuring the ongoing nurturing of the fruits of the ministries of the MSS lived out among God’s people, and of the well-being of every sister to fully live out her religious life. I invoke the blessings of Almighty God on all those involved.”


Decree marks change in leadership for Missionary Sisters of Service (By Fiona Basile, Melbourne Catholic)