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The Broken Bay audit report is on the Australian Catholic Safeguarding Limited’s website (ACSL)

Broken Bay Diocese has this week become the first diocese to have a National Catholic Safeguarding Standards audit completed by an external audit firm on the NCSS Auditor Register. Source: ACSL.

The Diocese enlisted Demetrius Consulting, an auditor approved on Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd’s NCSS Auditor Register to review its child safeguarding practices.

ACSL chief executive officer Ursula Stephens expressed her satisfaction that the auditor register is providing a choice of auditor to Catholic organisations.

“From the results of the audit, it is evident that safeguarding practices are developed and embedded across the diocese and we congratulate the diocese on excellent progress in implementing the NCSS,” Dr Stephens said.

“We are very pleased that the Diocese of Broken Bay has chosen an auditor on the NCSS Auditor Register. It is so important that not only Catholic organisations open themselves up to a safeguarding audit, but that the assessment looks at the implementation of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards.

“The NCSS give effect to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and are the way that the Catholic Church is responding to the recommendation of the Royal Commission that religious organisations adopt and implement the National Child Safe Standards.

“The NCSS are nuanced to address the context of the Catholic Church in Australia, and cover things like formation, support for overseas trained priests to understand Australian safeguarding requirements, and the unique power imbalances that can occur in ministry environments.

Dr Stephens said the “NCSS Auditor Register provides Catholic organisations with a choice of auditor beyond ACSL.”

“This range of auditors now available to Catholic entities is vital as we work towards our goal of all Australian Catholic dioceses and major religious institutes being audited against the NCSS by the end of 2025,” Dr Stephens said.

The Diocese first completed their self-assessment on the NCSS Self-Assessment Portal, enabling Demetrius Consulting to complete a desktop review of the safeguarding practices prior to engaging in audit fieldwork.

ACSL’s Board and Audit Review Committee confirmed that the audit scope had been met prior to the report’s publication.

View the Diocese of Broken Bay’s audit report on ACSL’s website.


Diocese of Broken Bay first to have safeguarding practices reviewed by NCSS Register auditor (ACSL)