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(Broken Bay Diocese)

Broken Bay Diocese has welcomed the publication of its first external audit report against the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. Source: Broken Bay News.

Australian Catholic Safeguarding Limited yesterday announced the audit scope had been fulfilled.

Broken Bay is the first Australian diocese to have an NCSS audit completed by an external auditor listed on ACSL’s NCSS Auditor Register.

The audit, completed by Demetrius Consulting, assessed the extent to which the diocese had developed and embedded indicators that reflect a safe and secure safeguarding culture.

The report noted that “the diocese’s approach to safeguarding is characterised by strong leadership, robust governance and mature systems and practices. This approach exceeds compliance and consists of proactively embedding the NCSS standards in everyday practice.”

Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo said he was pleased that 100 per cent of the relevant NCSS indicators were developed and 96 per cent of those already embedded in the diocese.

 “I am deeply encouraged by the conclusions of the audit report and the acknowledgement by Demetrius Consulting that a culture of safeguarding has been genuinely developed in the diocese,” Bishop Randazzo said.

“While the audit outcome confirms the substantial work that has been achieved over a number of years, continuing vigilance and development are essential, and I am grateful for the recommendations in the audit report.

“These recommendations provide ways we can continue to improve, and I am committed to ensuring our community is one of safety and care.”

The diocese has committed to implementing the recommendations by the end of 2025.

The audit report is available on Broken Bay’s safeguarding website and ACSL’s website.


Diocese Congratulated on National Catholic Safeguarding Standards Audit (Broken Bay Diocese)