In his prayer intention for December, Pope Francis invites Christians to pray that each person may become a pilgrim of hope as a result of the 2025 Jubilee. Source: Vatican News.
“Let us pray that this upcoming Jubilee may strengthen us in our faith, helping us to recognise the Risen Christ in the midst of our lives, transforming us into pilgrims of Christian hope.”
Pope Francis offered that prayer in The Pope Video released yesterday to accompany his prayer intention for December, which will see the opening of the 2025 Jubilee of Hope on Christmas Eve.
He lamented the suffering afflicting our world, saying humanity has great need of hope.
“Christian hope is a gift from God that fills our lives with joy,” the Pope said, calling hope an anchor for our lives.
“We have to hold onto the rope of hope – hold on tight,” he urged.
Pope Francis went on to invite Christians to allow God to fill their lives with hope, so that they may become gifts of hope for everyone around us.
“Let us help each other discover this encounter with Christ who gives us life, and let us set out on a journey as pilgrims of hope to celebrate that life,” he said. “And entering into the upcoming Jubilee is the next stage within that life.”
“Don’t forget,” said the Pope, “hope never disappoints.”
The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network released a communique along with the prayer intention, saying The Pope Video for this month was produced in collaboration with the Dicastery for Evangelisation.
In the press release, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelsation, said the Pope wishes all Christians might never lose hope, no matter the controversy or difficulty we might face.
Pope’s December prayer intention: ‘For pilgrims of hope’ (By Devin Watkins, Vatican News)