To ensure artificial intelligence is developed and used in an ethical, transparent and responsible manner in Vatican City, the city-state governor’s office has released a set of guidelines on AI, which will be followed by new laws and regulations. Source: CNS.
“The guidelines highlight the importance of a balanced and mindful approach in regulating artificial intelligence and will act as a ‘compass’” and a framework for “future regulatory actions” regarding AI technology, the governor’s office said in press release on vaticanstate.va.
The AI guidelines went into effect on January 1 and will be followed by new laws and regulations.
A five-person AI commission, presided over by the secretary-general of the governing office, will also be established to oversee the implementation and regulation of AI within Vatican City.
Specifically, the commission will: prepare the proposed laws and regulations; provide input and opinions about the use of AI systems and models; and monitor the activities of AI systems and models and their impact on individuals, employment and the environment.
“The key principle is that technological innovation cannot and should never overtake or replace human beings,” the press release said.
“On the contrary, it should serve humanity, and support and respect human dignity,” individual rights and freedom.
“The aim is to make artificial intelligence a resource that, if properly regulated, will be able to foster well-being and progress, without compromising ethical and social principles,” it added.
The 13-page policy, released as a decree by the pontifical commission governing Vatican City, covers a series of general ethical principles, specific guidelines for certain offices and prohibitions.
The office oversees those who work in administration and human resources, the Vatican Museums, the gardeners, trash collectors, firefighters, police, post office employees as well as those who work for the Vatican health service, pharmacy and Vatican court system.
Vatican City State puts AI guidelines in place (By Carol Glatz, CNS)