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The program will explore four pivotal eras in Western history: the Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern worlds (Campion College)

Liberal arts tertiary institute Campion College will offer the Foundations in the Classics Homeschool Program, a new initiative for homeschoolers aged 13–17. 

This program, an initiative of Augustine Academy Director and Campion College alumnus Ben McCabe, provides students with the opportunity to explore Western Civilisation through literature, philosophy, and theology classes delivered on Campion College’s Toongabbie campus in Sydney’s west.

The program spans four 10-week terms, each focusing on a pivotal era in Western history: the Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern worlds. 

Classes will take place one day per week and include engaging discussions of one-page extracts from key authors and texts.

“Classical education brings timeless ideas and enduring truths to life,” Mr McCabe said.

“This program offers young homeschoolers the opportunity to encounter great thinkers and authors in a meaningful and interactive way, equipping them for lifelong learning.”

Campion College president Paul Morrissey said the college is “excited to welcome the local homeschooling community to our campus and to see Ben McCabe bring his passion and expertise to this program”.

“His enthusiasm for the classics and his commitment to education will undoubtedly inspire students to engage deeply with these timeless works.”

Details and registrations: Campion College website.


Augustine Academy to Host Homeschool Program at Campion College (Campion College)