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Australians are invited to “Unite against poverty” and join a Caritas Austrailan Lenten campaign (Caritas Australia)

Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraiser has expanded in 2025 to give the community even more ways to unite against poverty through online fundraising pages and new activities.

Each year, 1700 schools and 1200 parishes take part through school and parish events that remain at the heart of Project Compassion.

This year, new fundraising options are on offer through a simple digital sign-up form enabling schools, parishes, individuals, groups and organisations to set up live and shareable fundraising pages. 

For the first time, a new challenge suited to individuals has been added:

  • The Long Walk for Water: A new, self-defined 40-day walking challenge that you can take on as an individual, or as a team. The first 500 people to register will receive a free T-Shirt.

Parishes, schools, groups or organisations can also register for the following activities:

  • The Big Water Walk: This one-day event sees schools complete a walking challenge of their own design. Parishes can host a Big Walk for Water but should call the Project Compassion team for support.
  • Host a Lent event: Get together with your friends, family, workplace, school or parish to set up a pancake Tuesday, games night or disco, or anything else you might enjoy.
  • Give it up for Lent: Unite as a parish, school, family, workplace, or as friends, and commit to giving something up. This could be coffee, sugary snacks or Netflix – whatever feels challenging to you. 

Leanne Langdon, Community Fundraising Manager at Caritas Australia said: “Project Compassion is over 60 years old, but it continues to move with the times. 

“Those that want to fundraise online and share their efforts on social media will find it easier than ever to do so,” Ms Langdon said. 

“Rest assured though that in-person community events and our iconic Project Compassion boxes are a mainstay that these digital offerings are designed to complement.”

Details: Project Compassion


Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion launches The Long Walk for Water (Caritas Australia)