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The Government plans to scrap the ban on medical practitioners initiating discussions about voluntary assisted dying with their patients (Bigstock)

Catholic Health Australia says it is “deeply concerned” about the proposed expansion of Victoria’s voluntary assisted dying laws. 

The Allan Government last week tabled a review into the state’s euthanasia scheme, which has been operating for five years. 

Victorian Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas last week confirmed the Government would move to scrap the ban on medical practitioners initiating discussions about voluntary assisted dying with their patients, The Australian reported.

Ms Thomas said the Government would also look to expand the six-month life expectancy eligibility rule to 12 months, and to remove the requirement for a third medical opinion for patients with terminal neurodegenerative conditions.

In a statement, CHA said it acknowledged the release of the review, which it had contributed to. 

“We will assess the full recommendations in due course,” CHA said.

“Our member services do not facilitate or participate in assessments undertaken for the purpose of a patient or aged care resident having access to, or making use of, the interventions allowed under the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act. 

“Our services choose instead to specialise in end-of-life care such as palliative care.

“We are committed to responding openly and sensitively to our patients, residents and their families about any legal options they may be exploring.”

CHA said it remained “concerned about advocacy to the federal Government permitting the VAD process to be arranged by a carriage service, as outlined in the review”.

“This would exacerbate the lack of protection for patients experiencing duress, undue influence, elder abuse and mental impairment, which cannot be appropriately assessed via phone or a Zoom call.”

CHA said while it is “deeply concerned about the expansion of the laws, we are committed to working with all people of goodwill as any legislative changes are drafted”.

“Our focus remains on ensuring that every Australian has access to high-quality, properly funded palliative care, particularly those living in regional and rural locations where access is often an issue.”

Catholic Health Australia – Response to Victorian Review of VAD (CHA)

Victoria to remove ‘gag clause’ from voluntary assisted dying laws (By Lily McCaffrey, The Australian)