Debate on the Greens bill to broaden New South Wales’ already extreme abortion laws began in the state’s Parliament yesterday. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
Penny Sharpe, the Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, opened the speeches. She spoke of her pride in her role in the full decriminalisation of abortion during 2019.
Turning to the specifics of the bill, Ms Sharpe indicated that she strongly supported the proposed change to the law that would allow endorsed midwives and nurse practitioners to prescribe abortion drugs, noting that this was recommended by the five-year statutory review into the state’s abortion laws that occurred at the end of 2024.
Ms Sharpe further explained that she did not support the provision that would give the Health Minister the ability to force public health organisations to provide abortion, saying that there was no other aspect of healthcare where this is placed into legislation.
She also indicated that she did not support the requirement for health professionals who hold a conscientious objection to abortion to nonetheless refer for abortion
She indicated that she would vote in favour of the bill at the conclusion of the second reading debate so that it would progress to the committee stage where amendments would be considered but would review her position for the final vote if the bill did not reflect the recommendations of the statutory review.
Liberal MLC Rachel Merton was the first to speak in opposition to the bill, calling it “one of the most egregious and concerning pieces of legislation” she had seen in her time in parliament, saying it “represents a direct and malicious attack on some of the freedoms and liberties that we as Australians hold dear, that being freedom of religion and freedom of conscience.”
Crossbenchers Rod Roberts and John Ruddick also spoke in opposition to the bill, with Mr Roberts calling it “nothing short of coercion.”
Debate was adjourned and will not resume until May 7 at the earliest.
Debate begins on abortion bill (By Monica Doumit, The Catholic Weekly)