Pope Francis invites confessors to be “ministers of mercy” as they accompany the faithful on their path of reconciliation and renewal. Source: Vatican News.
In a message released yesterday, the Pope reflected on the privileged role of confessors, especially during the 2025 Jubilee Year.
His words of encouragement were addressed to participants of the 35th Course on the Internal Forum, organised by the Apostolic Penitentiary.
“Celebrating Mercy, particularly with the pilgrims of the Jubilee, is a privilege: God has made us ministers of Mercy by His grace, a gift we receive because we ourselves have been, and continue to be, the first to experience His forgiveness,” he said.
The event, held this week, provides ongoing formation for confessors in light of the importance of their sacramental ministry.
Addressing them as “Dear brothers”, the Pope urged them to be men of prayer, as prayer is the foundation of their ministry.
“In prayer are rooted the foundations of your ministerial action, through which you extend the work of Jesus, who still and always repeats: ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin anymore’ (John 8:11),” he wrote.
The Pope highlighted the connection between mercy and peace, affirming that true peace is born from God’s mercy and brings hope that does not disappoint.
Concluding his message, Pope Francis expressed gratitude for the indispensable sacramental ministry of confessors and entrusted them to the care of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Pope encourages confessors to be ministers of mercy (By Linda Bordoni, Vatican News)