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Jacinta Collins with West Australian Catholic school students (CEWA/Matt Biocich)

The National Catholic Education Commission says it looks forward to examining the details of the review into the National School Reform Agreement.

Catholic Education engaged extensively with the process for the Albanese Government’s “Review to Inform a Fairer and Better Education System”. The expert panel’s review report, “Improving Outcomes for All”, was discussed by the country’s education ministers yesterday and released publicly.

National Catholic education executive director Jacinta Collins said the review panel, after significant consultation with systems and school communities, has recognised the importance that all sectors need to be engaged in national reform to improve the outcomes of all students.

“The report’s focus on equity and excellence, wellbeing and teacher workforce considerations, apply across all sectors and we look forward to continuing to engage in consultation with the Australian Government in the development of the next National School Reform Agreement,” Ms Collins said.

“The Education Minister’s reinforcement of the need to work towards the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration reflects the importance of choice for families, and a holistic approach to schooling in Australia, including the spiritual development of students that attend both faith-based and government schools.”

Ms Collins said the NCEC looked “forward to ongoing cooperation and participation in the NSRA process” and thanked the expert panel “who engaged the Catholic education sector in their consultation for this important review”.


Expert panel’s report recognises the importance of all sectors in national school reform (NCEC)