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Chris Haywood in The Way, My Way (IMDB)

In The Way, My Way, English-born Australian film director Bill Bennett takes viewers on an uplifting spiritual journey as he documents a fictionalised account of his 800-kilometre walk along the Camino trail across the top of Spain to Santiago de Compostela. Source: Australian Catholics.

The film stars English-born Australian actor Chris Haywood as Bennett and is based on the director’s best-selling 2014 memoir The Way, My Way: A Camino Memoir.

At the outset, Bennett describes himself as a stubborn, self-centred man, who was unsure of why he was even attempting the 31-day trek. His outlook on life changes as he meets pilgrims along the way, with these interactions providing the basis for the film’s core insights.

As the various pilgrims share with Bennett the sufferings and joys of their own lives, it changes him. The pilgrims’ stories offer moving testimony to what walking the Camino can achieve.

Bennett’s direction ensures lots of laughter along the way without distorting the movie’s essential honesty. His experience is personal but refreshingly humorous, and the walk clearly challenged him by pushing him to accept positive change. 

This is an entertaining film that is gentle, reflective and insightful. It offers an inspirational account of “walking the Camino”. 

Review by Peter W Sheehan, Jesuit Media.

The Way, My Way: Starring: Chris Haywood. Also Laura Lakshmi, Pia Thunderbolt and Jennifer Cluff. Directed by Bill Bennett. Rated PG (Mild themes and coarse language). 100 min.


The Way, My Way (Jesuit Media via Australian Catholics)