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Pope Francis addresses the national directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies (Catholic Mission)

“Communion, Creativity, and Tenacity” – Pope Francis delivered these three keywords to the national directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies gathered in Rome for their annual general assembly. Source: Catholic Mission.

“Communion, creativity, and tenacity. Let us consider these essential words, which are relevant for the Church in its permanent state of mission, and especially for our missionary societies called to renewal in order to be ever more effective in service,” Pope Francis said.

He was addressing about 120 national directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) on Saturday, during the traditional audience for the Annual General Assembly. 

Catholic Mission national director Fr Brian Lucas was among those who travelled to Rome to attend the Pope’s audience.

“As always, the Pope’s words were full of encouragement and a reminder that the work of mission belongs to the whole Church,” said Fr Brian.

In his address, Pope Francis interpreted three key words in a missionary context, beginning with “communion”.

“When we contemplate the Trinity, we see that God is a communion of persons, a mystery of love. The love with which God comes to seek and save us, rooted in his being One and Triune, is also the basis of the missionary nature of the pilgrim Church on,” he said.

The “creativity” arises from being “rooted in God’s creative work, which makes all things new”. 

Referring to the characteristic of “tenacity”, Pope Francis said the “divine mission ‘is a tireless going out to all men and women in order to invite them to encounter God and enter into communion with him. Tireless!”

The annual general assembly is a central event during the year, and this edition will focus on the renewal of the PMS Statutes. The assembly’s work will continue until May 31.


Communion, Creativity, and Tenacity (Catholic Mission)