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Jacinta Collins (NCEC)

The National Catholic Education Commission says the Productivity Commission has blatantly ignored the concerns and needs of school and faith communities in its final philanthropy report, released yesterday.

National Catholic Education executive director Jacinta Collins said school and faith groups had raised serious objections to the draft report, which lacked a thorough analysis and engagement with concerned groups by the Productivity Commission.

“The recommendations to withdraw the Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status of building funds and for religious and ethics education in government schools is a direct attack on school and faith communities and fails to acknowledge the enormous contribution of faith groups to the social fabric of Australia,” Ms Collins said.

“As the NCEC highlighted in our submission, people of faith are more likely to donate and volunteer and contribute significant amounts to philanthropy to support the common good.”

Ms Collins called on the Albanese Government to reaffirm the earlier assurances of Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Assistant Education Minister Anthony Chisholm that the Government is not considering such a proposal.

But Andrew Leigh, the Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, immediately ruled out changes to school donations, The Australian reports.

“The recommended changes to tax settings for donations to school building funds are not being considered,” Mr Leigh said.

“A world-class education system is essential to tackling inequality, driving economic growth and supporting well-paid, secure jobs, and our school system is a key part of it.”

Ms Collins said the removal of the DGR status would add a further financial burden on families and the broader community who are already dealing with significant cost-of-living pressures.


Final Philanthropy Report blatantly ignores the concerns of school and faith communities says Catholic education (NCEC)

Government guarantees tax breaks for private schools (The Australian)