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Lyudmila Zhumailo and Yuri Popov left Ukraine and are now living in Moldova, thanks to support from Catholic Relief Services (Caritas Australia/Schimbator Studio for CRS)

Caritas Australia’s Ukraine Appeal continues to support its charity partners, including Catholic Relief Services, as they help millions of Ukrainians in need due to the war with Russia.

To date, 6.5 million people have been displaced – 3.7 million still reside within Ukraine, with the rest having fled overseas.

More than 116,000 Ukrainians are sheltering in Moldova, a country that is subject to its own political insecurity with frequent changes in government, as well as severe economic pressures. This leaves Ukrainian refugees in the country increasingly dependent on international humanitarian support.

Caritas Australia is sharing the stories of some of the families supported by generous donations to its Ukraine Appeal.

Lyudmila Zhumailo and Yuri Popov had been anticipating a quiet retirement in Odessa before war broke out in February 2022. For more than a year they sheltered, often under pillows on the floor, while air raid sirens blared. 

Once heavy artillery fire began on their hometown in July 2023, they fled to Moldova for what they hoped would be a temporary stay. Unable to find an affordable place to stay, Ms Zhumailo and Mr Popov began living at a refugee centre.

“My husband has a disability,” Ms Zhumailo said. “He just needs relative quietude. And that place was very noisy.”

The couple participated in the Catholic Relief Services shelter program and were able to find an apartment faster than they expected. While Ms Zhumailo and Mr Popov are now living quietly and peacefully in their apartment, it’s difficult for them to think about the future. Their children and grandchildren are still in Ukraine. They say they just have one wish.

“To see an end to this war, to go back home and of course, to see everyone,” Ms Zhumailo said. “We wish everyone was on their land, where they belong, and we wish for peace on earth. It’s the greatest of our wishes. There is nothing else.”

Details: Caritas Australia’s Ukraine Appeal.


Caritas Australia shares stories of Ukrainian families supported in Moldova (Caritas Australia)