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The assembly will be the culmination of the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese’s Year of the Holy Spirit (Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese)

Canberra-Goulburn Archbishop Christopher Prowse has emphasised the importance of community connections as the archdiocese prepares for an assembly next month. Source: Catholic Voice.

“I’m hoping for a real joy of springtime as we approach our archdiocesan assembly,” Archbishop Prowse said.

The assembly, scheduled for October 18-20, will feature gatherings in Canberra and hubs across the diocese, including Goulburn, Narooma, Cooma, and Young.

Archbishop Prowse said this format has become familiar following the pandemic, allowing participants to join remotely in a meaningful way.

The assembly will kick off with an ecumenical prayer vigil on the evening of October 18. Archbishop Prowse has invited various ecumenical leaders to join, underscoring a commitment to collaboration beyond the Catholic community.

“This event is very much in the Catholic faith but extends beyond it as well,” he said.

“The launch of a multi-migrant choir will serve as a beautiful metaphor for unity, symbolising how diverse individuals can come together in harmony. Although many, we can sing together in a way pleasing to God,” the Archbishop explained.

Saturday will focus on roundtable discussions and “Conversations in the Spirit”, during which participants will explore critical themes emerging from the Plenary Council of Australia and the Synod on Synodality.

“It is an opportunity for the relational dimension to come before the practical dimensions,” Archbishop Prowse said.

He encouraged participants to reflect on the implications of baptism and the charisms that flow from it, asserting that “allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us is vital for our journey”.

Looking to the future, Archbishop Prowse outlined three key objectives for the assembly: fostering connections among participants, deepening understanding of baptism, and articulating pathways for mission in the future.

He reflected on an interim discernment group that has already been collaborating to lay the groundwork for this event, stating, “This assembly is not just a flash in the pan; it’s about institutionalising our experiences into a synodal Archdiocese.”

The assembly will culminate on October 20, with a pastoral letter to be distributed in parishes across the Archdiocese. 



Journey of Transformation: Archdiocesan Assembly heralds new era for Catholic community (Catholic Voice)