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Bill Shorten (ABC News/Harriet Tatham)

National Disability Insurance Scheme Minister Bill Shorten has rebuffed criticism that participants were given less than 48 hours’ notice about crucial changes to items that can be funded by the scheme. Source: ABC News.

Various changes to the NDIS kick in from today, including a contentious and much-anticipated list stipulating what participants can now spend their money on.

When the Government revealed the list on Tuesday afternoon, parts of the disability community lamented it was not enough time to get across the detail before Thursday morning.

Mr Shorten rejected that critique and said he had been talking about “straightening up the scheme” for the past two-and-a-half years.

“Many items on the in and out list of what you can use your NDIS resources for are existing status quo,” he said.

“Let’s not pretend that somehow this is a list which has been created from nothing.”

Mr Shorten said extensive consultation was done before the Government released the list and almost 7000 submissions with varying points of view were received from across the sector.

“We found that whilst the scheme is working really well for a lot of people, the lack of clarity has led to some scams, rorts, non-evidence-based therapies and the exploitation of participants,” he said.

“I can’t keep driving by something which ultimately undermines the sustainability [and] the trust in the scheme.”

If participants need an assistive technology or household item that is not on the list to manage their disability, they can apply to have it covered by the scheme if it provides value for money.

Mr Shorten said the 12-month transitional period, where participants will not accrue a debt if they accidentally misuse up to $1500 worth of funds, means they have time to get familiar with the list.

The changes are the first part of a wider overhaul of the NDIS that will include the introduction of a needs-based assessment process for access to the scheme, the introduction of “foundational supports” to be run by states and territories, and registration requirements for service providers.


Bill Shorten responds to concerns around NDIS changes and defends handling of support list (By Nas Campanella and Evan Young, ABC News)